Our Story

Rebecca Holihan
Rebecca is the Pastor of Common Ground Fellowship and the Executive Director of Springs Gate Ministries. As an avid learner and instructor, she holds a master’s degree in Philosophy and Jewish Studies. She offers specialized training for prophetic leaders in meditation, journaling, and hearing God’s voice. Rebecca is an author and speaker, sharing her expertise in Biblical Cosmology and Jewish thought. Her passion is to draw people into a deeper understanding of the times and seasons we are in to discover the mysteries and wonder of God’s nature.
Finding time to get spiritual isn’t easy.
Life gets busy. Before you know it time crunches can squeeze out what is really meaningful. You are not alone. Springs Gate Ministries has its roots in helping others discover and explore a personal relationship with God in an atmosphere that encourages spiritual wellbeing. Come and find the sacred space you’ve been looking for.
Our Approach
Our Story
God, the very creative power at the center of the universe, is
loving and caring like a truly devoted parent. This love is not one
aspect of God….but the very organizing reality at the heart of
things. God is love.
Morton T. Kelsey

The Orbital Model
The Church is in the midst of transition. We find ourselves at the cusp of new models as we move into 2022 and beyond. How do we adapt from an outdated hierarchical structure to one of “Orbital Relationship” as we move into this new time in church history? This is the beginning of Common Ground’s spiritual shift.
You are not here to be average. You are here to change the world. You are here to take part in the miraculous. You were uniquely created for this purpose. You are here to leave a legacy. You are here to release that which has not previously been seen. It is time for us to take the desires of our heart by force. There are "6 degrees of separation", the power of strong and weak bonds and the value of orbital networking relating to your great purpose. John Paul Jackson
We are becoming a catalyst in Heaven's revolution as we break ground into new territory…as we partner with heaven to advance the Kingdom and awaken the world! “And the Lord kept adding to their number daily those who were coming to life…”

Sarah Smith
Born in England, Sarah grew up in New Haven, CT. Her father, Peter Rodgers, an Episcopal minister, taught Sarah Greek when she was young. She also taught herself Hebrew and French.

Lisa Green
Teacher and Mentor
Meet the Team
The team at Springs Gate Ministries has a unified commitment to restore, rebuild and renew innovative expressions of God's nature because of our first love for Him.
We are a passionate group of artists, musicians, writers and innovators who are following the path God has given us for the purpose of dreaming new dreams and helping others find their spiritual destiny.

Dan Holihan
Arts & Media
Whether were talking media, graphics or ministry, Dan is an artist extraordinaire. He has an uncanny ability to engineer design and sound with a gifted craft of wisdom and prophecy...Amazing!
Guided by God's voice, Dan has been the architect of Springs Gate Ministry and has the Father's heart for those at Common Ground Fellowship.

Sara Selman
Worship & Communication Pastor
Sara is passionate about worship and people connecting to God. She believes strongly that God is always pursuing, speaking and revealing Himself to His people. The way He does this with her is through worship, the word, the prophetic, and dreams. As our Worship & Communication Pastor, Sara uses her giftings to create and facilitate our musical worship experience weekly, special encounter times throughout the year and keeping everyone in the “know.” She makes sure we all know what’s going on and coming up for our church body. Sara is open to the Spirit and wants God to speak through her and use everything she does for His glory.

Catherine LeVesseur
Prophetic Leadership and Marketplace Ministry
A gifted teacher by trade, Catherine loves to see the “aha” moments in her students’ eyes and those she ministers to prophetically. Her unique humor and innovative perspective allow her to illuminate themes in the lives of others. Catherine has a wide variety of tools she uses to help people reframe their thinking and discover their gifts. Her powerful seer gift makes way for her heavenly Father to bring understanding in everyday situations.
“Circumstances are transformed when we think differently about them.” Graham Cooke

Diane Scheff
Prayer, Retreats and Street Fair
Diane’s lifelong learning, includes a Bachelor’s Degree in Therapeutic Recreation, a Diploma in Counseling, essential oils, and healing ministry. All of these gifts and talents converge into her passion for the health and wholeness for every individual. She believes vitality is a daily process best realized by connecting first to the heart of our wonderful Creator and then with one another. Diane invites others, through attentive listening, to experience calmness, gentleness and acceptance. Her sensitivity to the prophetic has been used in all forms of healing.
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